Terms of use & Data Protection

Terms of use & Data Protection

This website http://www.medhealthpharma.gr/  (hereinafter “Website”) is property of the company under the name Medhealth Pharma with registered seat in Athens, Greece (hereinafter “the Company”) and is protected pursuant to the applicable copyright laws. The Company offers the use of the present Website’s content under the following Terms of Use, which the recipient of such services (hereby “user” or just “you”) is encouraged to read carefully and proceed with use of the services only after fully accepting them and agreeing to them. By using any part of the Website and the services offered you are considered to have fully agreed to the present Terms of Use, which constitute the only binding agreement between you and the Company and are as valid as if they had been signed in a written form.

The Website provides general information on health and beauty as well as on relevant care or treatment products. The information provided on the Website is offered as general information to the public and does not in any way replace the specialized and personalized medical advice of medical professionals, whom the user should always address for any medical or pharmaceutical advice. The Company does not in any way guarantee the accuracy and correctness of the information found on the Website and it bears no responsibility for such information. For more information on this issue please refer to Article 5 of the present Terms of Use.

The Company reserves the right to modify at any time the content and scope of this Website and these Terms of Use even without a notice. For this reason, we encourage you to periodically visit this page, in order to keep being informed on any change. At any change of the present Terms of Use, your continued use of the Website’s services even at a time after the changes took place, signifies your renewed acceptance of the newer Terms of Use and their recognition as legally binding by you.

The Website was created by the Company and is in total the intellectual property of the Company according to Greek Law 2121/1993 about copyright, as amended and currently in force as well as to international conventions signed by Greece. The Company maintains exclusively any intellectual property rights on the design, source code, database and the entire content of the Website (including but not limited to pictures, graphics, photographs, texts, scientific presentations and studies, services and all other files of this Website) either directly as creator or indirectly, licensed by the respective creators. Violation by any means of these rights will draw the subsequent penalties and liability defined by applicable laws. Indicatively and non-exclusively: copying, modifying, publishing, distributing by any means of the content of the Website is prohibited. Furthermore copying, modifying, decompiling or by any means unauthorized use of the Website’s software is prohibited. All trademarks, brand names and logos appearing on the Website are either registered trademarks or property of the Company and/or third parties, companies or respective owners
and they are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek and European trademark laws, and by international conventions and treaties. Use of these trademarks, brand names and logos without license is absolutely prohibited.

The Website information and services are provided solely for personal, non-commercial use, without charge and without any requirement of registration by users.

The only case where your personal details will be collected by the Website is if you subscribe to the newsletter and/or complete the contact form. In this case, your name, e-mail address and message will be stored in our servers exclusively for the above uses. Your email address and telephone number will not be used in order to send unwanted electronic messages (spam), nor will they be sold or communicated to any third party, without your prior consent and agreement. By exception, the persons and legal entities that cooperate with the Company have the right to process your Personal Data, only to the extent absolutely necessary in order to provide technical or other support to the Website or in order to serve your own requests, and they are bound by the respective conditions about keeping and protecting the privacy and security of your data. For storage purposes only, your e-mail is transmitted to a server within the E.U. In each newsletter you receive, you will have the chance to unsubscribe from our recipients list (opt-out). Furthermore, you have the right to be informed at any time of the data kept about you by the Company. For any information or objection to your Data processing, please contact us at  info@medhealthpharma.gr . Your consent to the present Terms of Use is at the same time your explicit consent, to the necessary processing and transmission of the Personal Data you share with us.

The Website makes use of cookies to identify you on certain services and pages on the site. A cookie is a small item of data sent to your browser by a web server and is saved on the hard disc of your computer. Cookies do not cause any damage to your system and do not affect its working or detract from its efficiency in any way. They work as a type of “memory” of your device and preferences and make navigating the web easier for you, by saving your settings and providing information that may interest you. This Website makes use of targeting and advertising cookies, in addition to the ones that are absolutely necessary for its operation, for the use of which we have requested your consent during your first visit to the Website. These cookies will not restrict your access to the Website should you refuse their use. We may allow the use of cookies on the Website by third parties, whose advertisements or services may be included on the Website. In this case we do not control and are not responsible for the use and operation of these third party cookies and you will have to be informed for their use by the third parties’ websites. You can refuse the use of cookies on this Website, or you can set your browser to warn you when cookies are being used or to block them.

It is clearly stated that the Company does not offer medical or pharmaceutical advice via its Website and in no circumstances is any information stated or presented on the website intended to take the place of proper medical advice. The Company does not guarantee the accuracy, veracity or scientific validity of the information contained on the Website, in whatever form that information is provided, e.g., images, videos, texts, etc. The texts included on the website, either as product descriptions
(basic characteristics and properties) or as articles, are intended to offer information of a general nature, and even when written by specialists are not intended in any way to constitute individual medical or pharmaceutical advice or to replace in any way your relationship with your own physician or health consultant, whom you should consult on any matter relating to your health. The information and advice offered should not under any circumstances be regarded as an exhortation to take or refrain from any specific action, purchase or to be construed as a therapeutic claim in a specific case. No action taken by a User as a result of information presented on the website can give rise to any liability on the part of the Company or its representatives. The Company cannot be held liable for any form of loss or damage sustained by the user of the pages, services, options and content of the Website, use of which he or she makes entirely and solely at his or her own initiative and responsibility.

The content of the Website is offered ‘as is’, with no guarantee, explicit or implied, of any kind in relation to its commercial use or potential or its suitability for any specific purpose.
No explicit guarantee is made that the pages, services, operations, options and contents of the Website will be available without interruption or errors, or that any errors will be corrected. Nor, despite our best efforts, can we guarantee that the website will be free of viruses or other damaging contents. In no circumstances can the Company or its representatives, its employees or associates be held liable for any damage or loss you may sustain from use of the Website.

The Website may contain links to other websites, which are controlled by third parties. Under no circumstances can the Company be held liable for the content of such sites, or for any financial or other form of loss or damage suffered by a user visiting such sites. Under no circumstances can the Company guarantee that these links will function without interruption. Furthermore, these external links are indicative, not exclusive or limiting in nature. The Company reserves the right to remove or add links without notice, and to change the content of the Website at any time.
In proceeding to use the Website you are acknowledging your understanding and acceptance that in no circumstances can the Company or its representatives be held liable for the content of the hyperlinks it contains, the services/products they may offer or the advertisements they may feature.

The above terms and conditions of use of the website, and any amendment thereof, are governed and supplemented by Greek law, the law of the European Union and the relevant international conventions to which Greece is a signatory. It is agreed that all the above Terms of Use are of equal substance.
If any provision contained in the above Terms of Use should run counter to the law, it shall automatically cease to have effect and shall be removed from this statement of terms and conditions, without affecting in any way the validity of the other terms and conditions.
If you do not agree to these terms and conditions of use, you should not use the Website.

For further informations you can call us to: 

(+30) 210 7013300